Friday, January 4, 2013

The Anderson Family in the New Year

I hope everyone had a good Christmas...I know we did and we all had really bad colds.  We did manage to have some fun while trying to get better.  Since the kids got it first they've been feeling better for a while, David and I are still fighting it off.  It was one of those 10 day kind of colds...nasty.  But the kids had a great Christmas.  Johnny is a natural at opening presents, ripping paper is the greatest.  Holly was a little sad that we packed away all the Christmas decorations, but is enjoying all her new toys.  The house is almost settled with all the new stuff, still in the process of upheaval.  David and I managed to go see The Hobbit so that was exciting for us to have a date day.  Johnny starting saying "DaDa" a couple weeks ago, now he's saying "MaMa" too.  When I'm getting him dressed in the mornings I'll put one sock on him then he positions his other foot so I can put the next sock on.  He can recognize the chain of events that happens there.  He gets excited when he sees his highchair get put up.  No allergies to date, the only food he hasn't liked was peas.  And he really tried to like it.  He gagged it up and was willing to take more.  It could be a consistency thing so we'll try peas again later.  Johnny hasn't crawled yet but he is using his upper body to slide around the floor, so he gets where he intends to go.  We'll need to employ the next level of babyproofing soon, make sure the baby gate to the kitchen is solid and drop the crib level again.  Once I'm done with this cold I'll go back to "getting in shape" routine again.  I'm also feeling that urge to get outside and do yardwork again, I did manage to clean out the greenhouse but there's a lot of stuff that needs pruning, trimming and weeding.  But I do feel that our house and yard is in better shape than it was a year ago, that's pretty good considering we had Johnny this year. Busy, busy.


gramlinda said...

Happy New Year!! So glad you had a good Christmas as did we. John T sounds like an amazing baby and Holly is always my favorite girl. Get all well soon.

gramlinda said...

Love your blog and all of you.