Tuesday, February 26, 2013

What's happening lately...

This latest round of colds have been quite lingering for the kids.  They still have a little bit of a cough, mostly when they wake up.  Johnny still has a runny nose but it seemed considerably less this morning.  So hopefully that will wrap up soon.  We spent last weekend running errands, getting the computer part recall taken care of and getting Vader's yearly shots.  Johnny has let us sleep a little, but he still wakes up in the early morning hours every couple of days.  We think it's the teething.  He's so close to have more teeth coming in, they are just taking their time.  He has 8 teeth total right now...6 of those he got all at once early November.  It looks like he'll have another batch of teeth when the next round makes its appearance.  He's been drooling out his clothes and gnawing on his fingers.  He's also been cruising around the house, getting into stuff...he always seems to know what he shouldn't get into.  Our house is fairly babyproofed but there's some of those toddler things that we didn't think much about.  So the babyproofing just happens as we go.  Holiday has been 'helping' lately.  Like helping Daddy cook or helping me fold clothes.  Little helper Holly.  She goes back and forth through her books, her bunny house, playing Rollie Pollies, art projects and the like.  David and I have been busy with errands lately so there hasn't been a lot of free time.  Usually the time we get we either play board games or simply decompress on the couch watching tv or cruising around on our tablets.  This might be the weekend that I can actually get out in the yard because the time is now for getting those roses pruned.  The yard is coming back to life...and that includes the weeds so I got to get out there and get to work.

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