Monday, March 18, 2013

Potty Training Progress

So mid-week last week Holiday decided that she didn't want to wear pull-ups anymore.  Usually any daytime accidents are a result of a wardrobe malfunction so that's less common to happen but occasionally does.  She can make it through nap time easily without an accident.  Over night is a different ball game but she is trying.  Some nights she has an accident and doesn't wake up.  Other nights she does and wakes up upset.  Night before last she had a dry A+!!!  I have two sets of bedding for her so I do a lot of laundry.  It's now an extra task for the morning routine and bed down routine but a task worth doing.  Basically like I get Johnny up before we go to bed to feed him again so we have an attempt at a decent night's sleep, we take Holiday to the bathroom to go one last time before we go to bed in the hopes that her bed is dry in the morning.  Her record so far is 7 1/2 hours but hasn't consistently made that mark yet.  But she's trying oh-so-hard and still insists that she doesn't want to wear the pull-up...just the panties.  We got some errands done over the last weekend.  David and I both got hair cuts and David got the oil changed in the car.  Did some birthday shopping around too.  Yesterday we saw Anna dance at the Irish Festival at the Seattle Center.  She's been the group long enough to rank the embroidered dress and the hard shoes.  Toni embroidered the dress herself since it's such a money saver, I guess those puppies run around $500.  WHOOWEE!!!  I'd be getting out the needle and thread too.  In a couple years Anna will rank the sequined dress which run thousands of dollars (OMG) so Toni will be sewing those too.  But Anna looked great out there and the whole troupe of dancers were real sharp.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

Go, Holly!!! She will get there eventually. I'm glad you saw Anna dance. She sounds like a sweet girl.