Monday, August 12, 2013

Johnny said "Mama"

I'm over the moon of course.  It happened yesterday, I've been trying to get him to say "Mama" for a while and he finally did it.  Then we all went "Yeah" so he clapped his little hands.  This adds to his list of words: Dada, baby, and kitty cat.  Johnny walks so much more than he crawls now.  He's kind of bossy like his sister.  He just grabs me by the hand and drags me to where he wants to go and most of the time it's the kitchen or outside.  I mean it when I say 'drags', he's pretty strong.  He lets us know when he's hungry by pulling out the dining room chair that has his booster seat attached to it.  Johnny seems to eat more often now and sleeps really good.  Some times he lets us sleep in on the weekends, that's always exciting.  He's so big now, my right wrist is in a constant state of sprain since he's heavier than my wrists can handle.  I'm down to 2 breastfeedings a day and suspect it will go to 1 pretty soon.  The bedtime feeding will be the last to go.  So now when I get him up in the mornings instead of breastfeeding him I get him something like yogurt and/or cereal.  He's pretty good at feeding himself so David and I can get the family ready for our morning commute to work/daycare while Johnny's eating.  Johnny points at things now too so that helps us trying to figure out what he's trying to communicate.  We've started our school shopping for Holiday, she's excited about her new clothes and shoes.  The school said we don't need to get school supplies for her that they'll provide it all so that's less stuff we have to worry about.  With Holiday's book reading list from the public library, we scored free passes to the Burke Museum and it was pretty cool.  It's great for little kids, Holiday was particularly enthralled with the dinosaurs.  Then we had a picnic at Volunteer park and then put the kids in their swim suits so they could play in the wading pool.  Holly had lots of fun with the water toys.  Johnny got in there and sat right down in it and splashed away.

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