Friday, August 23, 2013

Remlinger Farms Photos

Holiday and Daddy riding the train.

Daddy, Mommy and Johnny (looking less enthused)

Too cool for school

There was all sorts of new things to see.

Holiday remembered coming here last October. She has a really good memory.

All her little babies rode with her.

Daddy and Johnny waving to Holly in the canoe ride.

Daddy and Johnny waiting in line for the pony ride.

This is Holiday on Spice who is 34 years old.  Johnny was meant to ride Rhubarb (who is about 1/3 the size of Spice) but he just wanted to smile at the pony and pet it - no riding.

Here's Holiday feeding the goats.  She giggled when their lips touched her hands.

Jumping in a big pile of hay.

Anything to take her shoes and socks off.  Johnny is getting in on the action too.

This tube wasn't meant to be a slide but Johnny slid down it...very...very...slowly...much to the other kids' chagrin.

I spy my little eye a little Johnny.

Where's Johnny?

There HE is!  With Holiday behind him.

Holiday up the tower.

In the play area by the cafeteria.

I guess she makes that face a lot.

Johnny liked pounding his hands on the bench seating, made a great hollow sound.

I got lead all over the place.

Back to pounding.

One last train ride.

Holiday loves trains.

We went to Remlinger Farms last weekend courtesy of Groupon.  Everyone had a great time as you can see.  Holiday wasn't comfortable enough to go on most of the rides but there was still plenty of activities to do, even for Johnny.  The food was good too, I especially liked the carrot cake.  Holiday did not want to leave, but everyone was tired.  The kids fell asleep within a few minutes of driving back while David and I fought to stay awake.  I guess naps sounded really good at that moment in time.  We're planning on not doing much this weekend which is good because we all need the rest.  Next week our daycare is closed so Ellie and Anna will be babysitting the kids with Toni and Drew backing them up most days.  That will be more travel time in our day but it's just for a week.  Labor Day weekend will be busy too and Holiday will be starting formal classes at Kids Co near David's work in Ballard - Go Pre-K!  It looks like the Rainier Dance Center is gearing up for classes again which will pick up mid-September.  I've run the subject past Holiday and she seems to want to do dance class again.  We'll go shopping for dance gear closer to the start date I think.

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