Tuesday, January 28, 2014

More Pictures

Johnny and Holiday sharing fish crackers.

So cute.

Johnny absolutely insisted on being placed in the block container.  He's much too big for it.

Johnny playing with Thomas and friends.

Holiday's Winter Fest Pre-K program.  She's right in the middle looking straight at us.

Here's more of her classmates.

Close-up on the penguin!

Holiday had her school program last Thursday.  Johnny and I made it just in time (I had to stay home with him again that day...was sick myself anyway).  But it was way cute.  All the kids filed in and she was last but she didn't want to stay on the sidelines so she walked to the middle of all the kids.  During their little songs Holiday would dance and sway away and at the end she would add a big flourish.  She definitely had some swagger there.  Some of the kids had to hold their masks on because they have grown since they had made them and the strap broke.  Holiday's lasted till we got to the car, David repaired it later.  Then the Boat Show started up this last weekend so David's been working a lot. Unfortunately, Holiday caught that cold virus too and was sick with a fever all weekend.  Johnny was feeling better but it was hard to get him to leave Holiday alone.  He kept wanting to steam-roll her on the couch.  It took everything I had to get him off and because of that it sheared my abs back open.  That sucked...and it hurt.  It's not as bad as I was originally but my splint is worn out so I ordered a new one today.  At least I know what to do this time.  That happened on Saturday.  Monday I stayed home with both kids to try to get the coughing under control.  We ran that humidifier 24/7.  They didn't have any fever at all yesterday or today so we're past that hurdle.  It's just a little coughing now.  But everyone is back to work/school/daycare today.  The Boat Show's last day is this Saturday so this coming weekend won't be as difficult.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

How cute are those kids! Hope you all continue to improve. We're getting over colds etc. here.