Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Sleepy Johnny

I guess it's been awhile since we've downloaded pictures.  That snow happened quite some time ago.

But it was fun while it lasted.

Geared up Johnny.

Doctor John

Here's my smiley face...

...and my foot.

My mom laughs about stuff like this. I did the same thing at his age. 

I think he was unhappy about wearing the hat...he just wanted to go outside.

Sits on a chair like a civilized human being.

Playing stickers.

Holly's new Kindle is fun too.

There hasn't been any earth shattering news lately.  David is still hard at work trying to situate things for Grandma Linda.  Now we need to find assisted living for her because of all the medical rules she needs to leave the nursing home.  It's quite a complex system but not intuitive and certainly not sympathetic to our situation.  We did get to see Grandma Linda this last weekend and it looked like she was doing good.  We dropped off some stuff for her.  There's a family room near her room so we basically just hung out there.  Johnny freaked out when we first stepped into her room.  There's definitely a medical feel to the place so I'm wondering if he thought it was going to be a doctor's appointment.  Or maybe seeing people in wheelchairs was odd to him.  Hopefully he chills out next time and realizes nothing is going to happen to him there.

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