Tuesday, May 20, 2014

All sorts of stuff...the last tooth is a doozy.

Last Tuesday the kids had their check ups.  Johnny needed one shot, of course he wasn't happy about it.  They have him at 50th percentile for weight and 5th percentile for height.  Holiday had a similar growth pattern at his age and now she's back into the 50th percentile for height so I wouldn't worry that Johnny will be short.  Although it could happen.  In any case I'd say that both the kids will be taller than me when they grow up.  But they are also both happy and healthy, just need their flu shots come fall.  Thursday night was Holiday's parent/teacher conference.  It went well, they remarked that they can't always follow her train of thought which isn't surprising.  She's a very imaginative child so you really have to keep up because her world of pretend and that of reality pretty much intertwine in her mind.  All the kids keep journals to practice her letters which is something she really likes to do.  I guess she asks for her journal on her free time and does it.  They think it's great she practices so much.  She doesn't consider it practice, in her mind she's writing lists for her seal's birthday party or writing invitations for some event.  She's a born party planner.  Then I got pink eye......sigh.  I've never had it before.  So far no one has caught it from me so it's looking like pink eye due to extreme allergies.  Darn cottonwood and scotch broom, that stuff is like my kryptonite.  So David had to do all the errands without me this weekend.  Holiday did her dance class.  Then on Sunday they did their portraits for dance class in their new costumes.  But Johnny woke up with a fever on Sunday and still has it.  I'm back at work today so David's staying home with him today.  Poor little guy.  He fell asleep pretty early on Sunday so I laid him down.  When I got him up it kind of freaked me out with two big (like size of my hand print big) blood stains on his sheets.  I realized fairly quickly that he was teething and it all made sense.  My kids teeth badly.  Holiday was constant vomiting while Johnny goes to the fever place.  When his first year molars came in they were pretty gnarly-looking.  And he drools so much that it made the blood look far worse than it really was.  Then you can see him chewing on it the whole time.  Here's hoping that last tooth gets settled soon.

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