Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Stuff and more stuff

Whew! It's been a while since I've posted.  I tend to keep pretty busy with regular day to day life and honestly I can't remember the last time when I wasn't a little bit tired.  Johnny got a cold with his teething and he's still pretty snotty but he's sleeping much better.  Now David and Holiday have a cold too.  I'm popping zinc in the hopes I'll be spared.  I can always try, right?  Grandma Linda had an accident which left her with an ankle broke in three places.  For that kind of injury it meant surgery.  Now she's recovering in the nursing home again and we're hoping she'll get to go home soon, depends on how it goes.  Holiday's dance class is gearing up for the big dance recital so everyone is excited about that.  We've got the costume, got portraits done and bought the tickets last night.  This week they start the combined classes which means for her that there will be four different classes taking turns to do their dance so they get used to idea of getting ready to wait and then do their thing.  In a few weeks Holiday's summer school starts up which I don't think that will be a huge change for her.  Her elementary school has already sent us a school supply list for the fall, which of course could change before then.  Her teacher won't be determined until August, and we've been invited to the Kindergarten family potluck before school starts so we can see her classroom and meet her teacher and socialize with other Kindergarten families.  David and I mostly keep occupied with work, taking care of the kids and doing chores and errands.  We play board games when can (and have the brain power).  David plays on his skateboard as much as he can.  I've been keeping up with the garden, the weeds are always ahead of me.  But the pumpkins are doing awesome.  The zucchini and tomatoes look a little weak so we've have to see how they do.  Some years are simply bad years for doing produce no matter how good you are.  David and I did manage a date night and got to see the latest X-MEN movie.  I thought it was great.  We get date nights so rarely these days that we only do things and eat at places that we're fairly sure we're going to like.

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