Monday, May 12, 2014

Mother's Day Weekend

Well I just got totally spoiled this weekend for Mother's Day.  I came home on Friday to find that David and Johnny built a trellis for my grapes, I love it.  After dance class on Saturday we went for Mother's Day sushi.  The kids don't really like anything there but they enjoy the food going by on the conveyor belt.  We got Holiday a new leotard because she outgrew her last one.  We also got her new costume for her recital and it's adorable.  I giggled the whole time during their practice.  Then I did Mother's Day shopping spree for new work shirts.  There was a pretty good sale so I made out like a bandit. Then I got a new watch because the light wasn't working anymore in my old one.  I don't know what it is but watches don't last long with me, always been that way.  On Sunday David made Mother's Day brunch for Grandma Linda and we walked it off at Kubota Gardens.  Holiday and I did some significant yard work too and got a lot done.  We were both pretty tired out afterwards.  Most of the stuff we've planted from seed is doing well. Just need to stay on top of the watering when it gets warm.  David's wanting to get back there now and do a pass on the bushes.  That's probably a good idea to do that soon since we're both kind of allergic to the blooms and that'll probably happen soon.  It's called 'bridal veil' since it has white, lacy blooms, but it smells like a lot of roses.  It's just too much smell for us.  So hopefully he can beat the blooms.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

Thanks for the good eats and the garden tour! It's always so much fun to be around the kids.