Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It's the Muppet Show

We went to the Jim Henson exhibit at the EMP/SFM this last Saturday. It was probably cooler to David and I than to Holly, very nostalgic for me. She seemed to like the Sci-Fi part the most with all the lights, glowy things, spacey music and robots. David and I of course really like that part too.

We're thinking now that part of Holly's crankiness is because she wasn't quite getting enough to eat, since you never really know how much she's getting with breastfeeding. So we're supplimenting a lot more formula in. Her mood has improved quite a bit. We still think Holiday's teething as well because she's slobbering like crazy and gnaws on her hands and shoves things in her mouth. She soaks through her clothes down to her belly button so we change her periodically throughout the day. Holly's also taken up making spitting noises with all the extra saliva that she has now. It's pretty funny. Sometimes Holly gets excited and she tenses up and flails her arms and legs around quickly. She also opens her mouth big and wide if something is fun. She's a total hoot.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

around the 4 month age is a common growth spurt,so needing more food is not entirely unespected. love, grandma linda