Friday, October 16, 2009

Holiday is 6 months old today

So her next check up is on Tuesday. This time I'll ask the nurse to set up her shots where Holly can't see her and bring them over once they are all ready to go. At the 4th month check up Holly remembered and started scream-crying before the shots even got started. Holiday got her second tooth yesterday so she's got both of the lower front teeth. Now she's appreciating her teething toys more. David's been teaching her how to pet the kitty. She doesn't understand 'gentle' yet. All she sees is KITTY and wants to grab a hold of fur. It's a good thing that the cat likes it rough...good Vader kitty. We went and had 6 month pictures done on Wednesday with Holly dressed in her halloween costume. They'll be back in two weeks. She picked out her costume, we held up three outfits and she laughed at the bumblebee so we had a winner. The pictures turned out really can see the stinger even. :)

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