Friday, October 2, 2009

Holly's New Toys

Holly's really liking her new toys. We got her a sorting shape box that makes sounds when touched, a ball made of thick sturdy wall with fat beads to move around on (kind of like in the dentist's waiting room) and a regular ball. She likes to smack things and throw them around now. When we put Holiday in her playpen she grabs her feet and rolls side to side but not all the way over yet. She's officially done with breast milk, we've used up all the extra in the freezer. So now I'm collecting all my breast feeding gear and putting it in storage. It's sooooooo much easier to bottle feed than to breast feed. It's getting easier to figure out why she cries now, like if she's rubbing her eyes she needs a nap. Holly and I have been taking more walks now on my off work days. She really likes that and then when we come home she'll take a bottle and sleep for an hour.

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