Thursday, September 30, 2010

More pictures and sick little Holly

Daddy and Holly at Greenlake park.

Holly and Mommy at the swings.

Holly likes to swing.

And here's the action shot.

Holly likes to play in the sand.

Holly's like a little 'Linus'.

It doesn't matter which blankie, just that there's a blankie.

Holly and Daddy relaxin'.

Holly and Daddy at Zootunes.

Holly and Mommy at Zootunes.
Holly started getting sick on Saturday and has been sick ever since. She's been to the doctor twice, but it wasn't until they gave her a nausea supressant that she started getting better. She did throw up again today, but I think that's because I gave her milk too soon so it's back to the Pedialyte for right now. Poor thing really hates it too. She's had some frustration cries because she really wants to run around and play and just isn't up for it. So we're going on day 6, I really hope this is over soon.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

Oh. I feel for you all! Holly may need some kind of work up to find out what the problem is. She may be lactose intolerent, not always has a rash. There are different milks that may work. I know you take the best care of her and all will be well. Sent a package by ups on Tuesday morn. Love Grandma Linda