Friday, October 8, 2010

More Pictures

Holly's wearing Mommy's shoe.

Big smiles.

And smirky smiles.

In a little Elmo outfit.

There's black olives on those little fingers. I remember doing that.

Daddy and Holly in the playtent.

I see Daddy peeking.
Holly's appetite seems to be on the gain this week. Making up for being sick and then some. She's eating much more real food and less Gerber baby products, although she's still a big fan of the fruit strips and yogurt melts. With the bout of sickness we were able to wean her off of bottles and formula completely. The recent formula recall was also a factor. Last night she was running around the living room going "Aaaaa-aaaaah!". It sounded like fun. She knows what the word "kiss" means, she gives us a kiss if we say it. Holly also knows the word "dance". When she hears "dance" she stomps quickly around the room with feeling and excitement, it's usually accompanied by screams of happiness.