Sunday, January 30, 2011

Latest Developments

Well, there's no easy way to say it, but I got laid off last week. It's really not a surprise but no less crappy. I've gotten started on unemployment and have picked up on the job search. It probably is for the best considering my situation, I just don't like being without a job. You know... bills to pay, family to take care of. Holiday was sick with a fever of 103 degrees on Friday and Saturday but she's feeling much better today. I think it's teething, those second molars are going to be doozies. Holiday has moved up to a size 5 1/2 shoe and is just starting to grow out of her 18 month sized clothes. There's still a few things that are too big for her. But probably the next piece we buy for her will be a size 24 months. I guess the difference between sizes 24 months and 2T is all the T sizes are meant for children who don't wear diapers, the "month" sizes allow for diapered bottoms. We still need to get a potty for her so she can start getting used to it. She has about half the signs to be ready for potty training. Now Holly has a tone when she says "No". It's as if she's saying "Duh" at us. It's pretty funny.


gramlinda said...

I think something good is around the corner, it just may take some time. Those two year molars are monsters, something else that takes time. Read some blogs and you will know you are not alone in dealing with those teeth. Take good care of yourselves. Love, Gramdma Linda

gramlinda said...

I'm sending you some fridge magnets. David mentioned he would like some for Holly. Sure hope she is less fussy! Love, Grandma Linda