Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Pre Boat Show Countdown

Holly's still doing well. Daddy's starting to let her in the kitchen while he cooks. I guess we have to teach her not to touch to stove at some point. Holly's pretty good at backing off, if we tell her "no, no". She's also starting to understand directions, if we ask her to put an item away or something like that, and she does it. We haven't had too many walks lately the weather's been so bad, so she's really excited to get out of the house. Right now we're all mentally preparing for the upcoming Boat Show. David will be working a lot, so it'll be just me and Holly at home for the better part of 10 days. We'll be glad to get that over with so we can have our family weekends back and I'm sure David would like to get some rest.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

The gray old winter can really get anyone kind of down, especially if walking outside isn't a good option. I well remember those times. I hope the boat show goes well. Love, Grandma Linda