Thursday, April 7, 2011

Greenlake Pictures

The family's at Green Lake in this picture.

Holly's exploring and Daddy's riding his skateboard.

We went to the playground next.

Playing with the digger.

Holly liked the big swings.

She prefers to do the big swings by herself now...I just don't push her that high.

Playing with Mommy's hats.

Funny face.

Holly seems to generally be doing much better with daycare. She still has her bad days like any kid, but now when we're getting ready in the mornings she walks into the room you're in dragging a toy and says 'Good Morning.' That's much more pleasant than scream crying and Holly angrily stomping around. David says the first thing Holly does when she gets to daycare is locates the kitty and pets it nice and says 'hi kitty' to it. She doesn't do that with our cat, Vader. But he'll be 11 years old in August so he's kind of a grumpy old man cat now. I think he does quite well being around an excited 2 year old and all the baby gates in his way. Sometimes she gets him and sometimes he gets her, it happens. They both try to treat each other nicely for the most part.

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