Friday, April 22, 2011

Happy Earth Day

Holly has a day off from daycare today, mostly due to Easter this weekend not Earth Day. But they must have had their art class yesterday because she came home with a picture she 'drew'. She was very proud of her picture, she went on and on about the 'picture'. They also planted a pansy plant in a cup for her to take home with a decorated Easter egg in it. So there was definitely a tribute to Earth Day in there. One of the gals at the daycare was telling David that Holly had the biggest vocabulary out of all the other 2 year olds there. Holly is simply a sponge right now and loves learning new stuff and doing new things. She can climb up the dining room chair and sit herself in her booster seat now. Last night she was practicing putting on Daddy's socks and Mommy's shoes. We definitely encourage her to be independent. We're hoping to be able to attend the Bunny Bounce at the zoo tomorrow for the Easter egg hunt if the scheduling shakes out alright. It's been awhile since we've been there so Holly might be more interested in seeing the animals. She'll more than likely like the Zoomazium there, it's an indoor, zoo themed play area for little ones.

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