Monday, April 18, 2011

Happy 2nd Birthday Holly

It was down to the wire but everyone was able to get better in time for the birthday party. We had a pretty good turn out too. 17 people including us in our little house, but since the weather was decent people could hang out on the back deck and play croquet in the back yard. Well...Holly played steal people's croquet balls. Of course, we busted out the bubbles too. Holly seemed a little bewildered when we sang her 'Happy Birthday', I'm glad she didn't cry. I've watched AFV, that can happen sometimes. When we leaned in to blow out her candle she decided she wanted to snag some M&M's instead. I did decorate her cake with M&M's for a reason. She was actually excited to see she got clothes, I didn't think she'd care. But she'd open a box with clothes in it and exclaimed in her way and would drape them over her head. The toys she loved too and wanted to play with them immediately. It's a toss up between the giant coloring book, the big pink car, and the Elmo stereo. If I had to decide a tie-breaker the Elmo stereo makes her dance and sing. But Holly really loves all her toys and plays with almost every single toy you see in our living room, that includes the books. Pictures coming soon.

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