Monday, October 31, 2011

The BIG Announcement...We're having another baby

Here are the latest ultrasound pictures.  I'm at 12 weeks 1 day today so I'm due May 13, 2012.  So far everything is looking good.  My results from my initial bloodwork are completely normal.  We're in the middle of genetic testing right now so we're not sure when we'll know anything about that, but we're not worried.  My next OB appointment is the week of Thanksgiving so we're hoping to hear the heartbeat by then, we've been able to see it at least in the ultrasounds.  It seems like I've been more nauseous than the first time, I've thrown up a couple times.  The preggie pops help a lot.  I'm starting to show so I need to dig out my maternity clothes and see what I need to get.  We've emptied out the room that was the office and are going to turn it into Holly's room.  Holly's nursery will go to the baby.  Daddy just needs some time where he can make a racket without Holly interupting.  There's all sorts of rewiring that needs to happen.  I don't think Holiday understands yet that she's going to be a big sister, but she's done quite well at tolerating the doctor's appointments.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

I'm so happy for you!!!

Gramdma Linda