Friday, November 4, 2011

Going's On

On Monday we took Holly to Southcenter mall to go trick-or-treating.  She did quite well until the gals at Gene Juarez scared her with their actually scary costumes, but by then most of the stores were out of candy anyway.  When someone is dressed as a banana it's not nearly as intimidating as a bloody zombie. It was pretty busy but tolerable.  All the little costumes were cute.  Holly's Minnie Mouse was popular with the little kids.  Every few minutes I'd hear, "Minnie Mouse!"  I found my maternity clothes and had a lot more than I thought I did.  I just need a couple pairs of yoga pants (because the cat popped holes in everything) and maybe one or two pairs of work pants and I'll be good till springtime.  I'm sooooo much more comfortable now wearing maternity clothes.  I probably needed to make the swap sooner.  I was thinking of taking Holly downtown tomorrow to give David some time to work on the house in peace without a two year old under foot.  We'll do some shopping, some browsing, maybe see Macy's Christmas display and some lunch.  Hopefully that works out.  I forgot to mention that the other day when Holly was coloring Vader walked into the room and Holly raised her voice to him, "No Vader!  My crayons!"  Sorry kitty, Holly's definitely in charge.

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