Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas stuff and ZooLights

I've finished my Christmas shopping and have most of it wrapped.  David has a little more to do but I think he's close.  Holly's pretty much moved into her new room now that it felt good enough to check it off my To Do list.  We've done the major grocery run so now we're starting to pick up on the other stuff that needs to get done on the house and the yard.  We even managed to fill the green bin this weekend.  We went to ZooLights at Point Defiance Zoo last Saturday.  It was packed with people, it makes sense that it would be on the weekends.  But it's either that or fight the worst traffic in the state on a weeknight...pick your poison.  Since Holly gets carsick the weekend wins.  They had school busses shuttling people from the go-kart site into the zoo and since Holly is all about school busses right she had no problem waiting in line.  She loved being in the school bus, Daddy drawing on the fogged up windows.  The lighting displays were the best I've seen and once you got out of the main entry gathering area it was pretty easy to get around.  The only animals that you could see was what was in the aquarium.  Holly liked the sharks.  She loved the carosel and cried pretty bad when it was time to go.  The line wasn't too bad for food and Holly ate pretty good in spite of the general bustle going on.  If we go again, we need to get there early before it opens so we can get through the lines quicker.  When I was in line to use the bathroom I overheard a woman say, "They should give pregnant women and kids priority to use the bathroom.  I looked around me and saw three other pregnant women besides myself and about a dozen kids and laughed out loud and said to her, "That's everybody here."  She looked bewildered for a split second and then said I was right.  The line to bathroom was the quickest, people usually go and get out of there pretty quickly...especially when it's cold.

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