Monday, December 5, 2011

Family Picture


We made tons of progress on the house this weekend.  Mostly David, Saturday was a bust for me.  I woke up with a headache and it was making me queezy.  So I decided to take some tylenol and at the thought of swallowing pills sent me into a vomit frenzy.  That's the worst it's ever been.  After that I decided I had nothing left to lose so I tried again and got it down.  I just had to eat again within an hour.  Later I had indigestion and back pain so I was pretty much useless on Saturday.  Yesterday we got our lovely family picture done so I can make Christmas cards now.  David and Holly raked leaves. Got our grocery shopping done and picked up paint.  So the first coats in each of the rooms affected have been made.  Hooray!  I'll order Holly's furniture today.  This weekend we'll be able to put up Christmas decorations and by the time the furniture shows up the painting should be done.  That red in the kitchen took Keri and I three coats so I warned David about that.  It's worth it though, I still think red looks great in the kitchen.  The whole house could use touch ups, the bathroom needs to be repainted.

1 comment:

Keri Hills said...

Your kitchen looks AWESOME red!