Monday, May 7, 2012

And baby boy makes four

So at 3:00 am yI started getting some whopper contractions and they were coming every 5 minutes.  At 4:00 a.m I cualled it in and they said I should come in.  So after that I woke David up and explained the situation.  We called my mom in to babysit Holly.  By the time every was settled we got to the hospital around 8:00 am and I was still having gnarley contractions.  David was hoping this was it where I said it better be or I'd have to slap someone because there was no way I was going to keep that up all day long.  I was dilated 3 cm and after a short monitoring session, the decision was made to proceed with the c-section.  After joking about David's scrubs in comparison to Devo uniforms, I was wheeled into action and given a spinal.  That really hurts but that pain is short lived and they all got to work.  When they pulled Johnny out I heard, "You have a little blonde...well, not little."  Johnny is 9 lbs 3.2 oz and 20" long born at 10:48 am.  Interesting tidbit David thought about his birthdate, 5+7=12.  After going through post-op, we got to our room around 1 pm.  I seem to be coping a little better physically this time around.  Johnny seems more like a red head to me and is just the sweetest thing.  Holly and Grandma Claudia got to meet him today.  Holiday was pretty excited about 'Baby Brother'.  That's a good sign.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

No baby yet

Well, I'm still pregnant...and hurtin'.  The contractions are kicking in like they were early Thursday morning, which apparently doesn't mean anything to hospital staff since I wasn't cursing in tongues.  Here I thought 'coping' was encouraged.  Yesterday we had our final OB appointment and everything still looks good.  The doctor thought it might happen this weekend but I think it's anybody's guess.  At least there is a maximum wait in place.

Friday, May 4, 2012

False Alarm

On Wedsnesday I was having tons of Braxton Hicks contractions all day long.  Then Thursday morning at about 3:00 am I started having real ones. I tracked them for awhile and then called it in.  The on-call doctor advised me to come in to OB triage.  So I woke David up about 5:00 am and got a game plan together.  We took Holly into daycare and then went to the hospital.  We would have called my mom in to take care of Holly if it was the real deal...but it wasn't.  I was having contractiowns every 10 minutes and on a scale of 1-10 it was a 7 with about every 10th one a 9.  But since I was able to talk through all of them without screaming 'bloody murder', they sent us home.  I'm having the same contractions even now...every 10 minutes.  This may go on up to my c-section date.  So because it happens so often and hurts so much, I'm officially on maternity leave.   It's going to be a long seven days to surgery.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Maternity Leave Send Off

Yesterday my co-workers gave me a maternity leave send off.  I'm glad I made it that far since I feel like 'any day now'.  They invited David too which was nice.  Basically we went out to lunch in Ballard, that made it convenient  for David to attend.  I'm still having sleep struggles.  I was actually asleep on the couch last night when Vader jumped into my lap scaring the heck out of me, that I immediately had a Braxton Hicks contraction.  That took me about an hour to calm down.  I seem to get Braxton Hicks contractions when I'm stressed out, like if Holly's fussy about something.  It was definitely bothering me last night when she was begging David for dinner and it simply wasn't ready yet.  I certainly don't check my blood pressure while Holly is still up, I have better results after she's asleep, then I can relax.