Friday, May 4, 2012

False Alarm

On Wedsnesday I was having tons of Braxton Hicks contractions all day long.  Then Thursday morning at about 3:00 am I started having real ones. I tracked them for awhile and then called it in.  The on-call doctor advised me to come in to OB triage.  So I woke David up about 5:00 am and got a game plan together.  We took Holly into daycare and then went to the hospital.  We would have called my mom in to take care of Holly if it was the real deal...but it wasn't.  I was having contractiowns every 10 minutes and on a scale of 1-10 it was a 7 with about every 10th one a 9.  But since I was able to talk through all of them without screaming 'bloody murder', they sent us home.  I'm having the same contractions even now...every 10 minutes.  This may go on up to my c-section date.  So because it happens so often and hurts so much, I'm officially on maternity leave.   It's going to be a long seven days to surgery.

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