Friday, December 7, 2012

More fun photos!

Johnny was so excited about his new teething toy...

...that he couldn't wait to bite it's face.

Bath time!

Johnny with Grandpa on Thanksgiving Day.

Holly had successfully tucked in Molly, one of my mom's dogs.  Rocky is their beagle, you can see his tail in the forefront.

Hanging out with Grandpa.

Sweet potato time.

Mmmmmm....sweet potatoes.

Christmas jams from Grandma.

The hat already too small.

Johnny modeling our Christmas tree.

Those Christmas jammies are like knickers on him...they only need to last till Christmas, right?

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

All the pictures are really great. I'm glad John likes his food. Holly looks so pretty on Thanksgiving and is so caring of Molly.