Wednesday, December 5, 2012

More Pictures and kids stuff

Johnny playing in his saucer.  I love that shirt on him, it's just hard to get him in and out.  Especially if he's been drooling.

Petting the horsey.

There's great smile.

Horseys are simply fun.

Here's Daddy Jack-o-lantern which Holiday designed.

Here's Mommy Jack-o-lantern, also designed by Holiday.  Remember when I said 'asymmetry' was the theme?

Holiday and Anna ready for trick-or-treating.

Johnny and Ellie all dressed up.

Mommy all cozy on the couch with kids.  Looks like Johnny already zonked out.

Playtime with Daddy.


Looks like a typical Sunday morning.

And that looks like a typical Sunday night.  Man Johnny's gotten so big.
I've been really busy at work so I only just had a break in my time to put more pictures up.  I don't mind too much though, busy is always a good thing in my opinion.  David's work is pretty busy too, especially this time of year with the boat show less than two months away.  It's a good thing we got our Christmas decorations up right away because we've been busy with Christmas shopping and wrapping.  It's amazing how much of our time that takes up, even when we take advantage of free shipping sales and shop online.  Maybe I'll have time to work on Christmas cards tonight.  Last week was a little rough with Johnny.  Maybe it's teething or growing or my milk production or a combination thereof, but Johnny had a really hard time going to sleep.  I have since started taking an herbal supplement at the advice of my doctor and it does seem to help.  Johnny's still gaining weight so I know he's getting enough.  I think our living space was partly to blame, that it was simply too stimulating for him to calm down.  So one night I was desperate and found a Fatboy Slim concert on cable.  It worked...nothing like a lot of repetitive dj music and flashy lights to put a baby down.  We just have to tone the house down so Johnny can wind down for the night.  He does seem to like music to put him to sleep.  He's doing much better now.  His teeth have grown in enough that he's figured out how to grind them together.  Holiday did that!  I had forgotten that awful sound.  He's also figured out how to shake his head "no".  I don't think he's actually saying "no", he can just do the head shake motion.  I've been getting more of Holly's old toys out and Johnny's really taken with the blocks.  That's something that Holly's been enjoying playing with Johnny, she stacks them and he knocks them over.  It's a great game.  Johnny's also enjoying the experience of solid food.  He really chows down.  He leans forward with every spoonful so he can get it a fraction of a second quicker.

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