Monday, December 17, 2012

The Christmas Red Zone

We've finished our Christmas shopping on Friday so basically all we have left is wrapping and shipping.  David and I have a big start on the wrapping and the shipping should be done by tomorrow.  I'll probably do some baking but I haven't thought on that much yet.  I could probably get some sugar cookies done this week since that uses pretty basic ingredients.  It would also make for a fun family activity to decorate sugar cookies.  Holiday really enjoyed it last year.  I'll figure out the rest later.  Saturday we went to my co-worker, Kathy's, Christmas music program at her church. She sings 1st soprano in the choir.  Amongst the Christmas songs were a couple pieces from Handel's Messiah which I sang back in my high school choir.  Holiday and Johnny did pretty well.  They weren't exactly quiet but they were happy and happy children's sounds aren't exactly hard to listen to, are they?  When the last hymn that the choir and audience sang was over, Holiday said at full voice level, "That's a good song!"  She really enjoyed the Hallelujah Chorus too, she couldn't understand why her daddy didn't want to dance with her in the aisles right then and there.  This morning David got up and I thought he was checking on Holly since her monitor was indicating that her monitor device was shut off.  When it didn't come back on I got up and shut off ours and went to see what was going on.  David said the power went out.  Oh yeah...I hadn't realized yet our night lights, fan, heater and everything else was off and I was just wandering around the house in the pitch black.  There was a pretty bad storm overnight and it was still marching on.  So we got ready today by light of flashlights which took a little longer so that's not too bad.  Holiday was fine, she's likes carrying flashlights around.  Johnny's okay as long as he can see everyone.  Disembodied voices aren't enough for him.  The Seattle City Light outage map shows our area was hit pretty hard...for Seattle, and that our power should be back on by 2pm today.  I hope so, or we'll need to find somewhere else to hunker down for the night.

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