Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Colds are Lame...Part 2?

Either this is a second bug or the last one is taking its darn sweet time.  Holly is a little sniffly and coughy.  Johnny is doing better on the runny nose and the cough.  David feels as if the cold has never left him.  I feel like there's a new one starting up on me.  Or I could just be a little run down by the lack of sleep factor because I feel better today after getting a solid 6 hours of sleep last night.  I have some post-nasel thing happening with slight sore throat and the mildest of headaches and muscle soreness.  It's like feeling generally mildly crappy so I don't know which direction this is going yet.  To add to this Johnny's teeth were hurting him really bad this morning...those little teethies have got to break through soon.  It's so weird that he got his last 8 teeth incredibly early and it's taking such a long time for the next round.  Holly was acting up last Saturday during her dance lesson and it's hard to say what the issue was.  It could be that she wasn't feeling too well or she felt a little too much pressure being first on stage during the lesson.  In either case, it wasn't her fault but it was still upsetting.  It'll get easier when can communicate her feelings better.  But it wasn't all bad either, Grandma and Grandpa took us all to the Museum of Flight and the kids had a lot of fun checking stuff out.  I actually got out in the yard on Sunday and pruned all the roses...finally.  Our grass is getting super happy with all the rain and sun so it might need the first mow of the year soon.  We'll have to see what we have time for this weekend, especially if we're in for more sickness.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

I hate that you all feel icky. You need more sleep and sunshine. With young children the days are long, but the years are fleeting.