Friday, May 10, 2013

Birthday party pictures

I got the xylophone cake idea off of Pinterest.  Johnny loves that toy.

I baked the cakes myself (box for the chocolate/scratch for the banana), used regular tub frosting, then decorated with pre-colored fondant.  It's way easier to work with if you don't have to dye it, just roll it out and cut it to size...easy squeezy.  It's edible though I don't recommend chowing down on it, it's basically sugarpaste and that doesn't have much flavor, it's just pretty.  But if you eat it along with the cake it tastes like it belongs there.

I just love all the colors.

Grandma Claudia with Johnny.

Mommy and Johnny with birthday hats.

There's Uncle Drew too.

Playing with new toys wearing a new 'baseball' cap.

Eating some fine banana birthday cake.  He's not really a messy eater...just droolie.

Grandma and Grandpa.

And there's Uncle Nate.

So we've starting Johnny on cow's milk in a sippy cup this week.  He seems to like it well enough and hasn't displayed any sign of allergy.  He's been coveting those sippy cups for a long time now so now that he GETS to have them he's pretty happy about it and seems to know how they're supposed to work.  So next week I'll cut out one of my work hours pumping and have our daycare start giving him more milk.  Now that he's  one year old we'll let have him a lot more of the foods we've been holding back on.  We probably hold back than most people just because David and I have had such a terrible time with allergies that we really work the preventative angle for our kids.  Now Johnny can have most things, we'll just hold back on peanuts till he's closer to 2 years old.  David noticed that one of his first year molars is breaking through.  He could probably handle chewier food now, he's been mostly on baby food and cheerios.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

That's the prettiest cake I've ever seen! They are lucky kids to
have such great parents.