Thursday, May 30, 2013

Dance class...Icky Pickles...Fever...Check Ups

All sorts of stuff have been going on lately.  Holiday's dance class had their first combined classes gig.  So they take turns doing their dance numbers and get used to the idea that other kids dance too.  They've been practicing the last couple of weeks with shades over the mirrors to get the kids aware that they won't be looking at themselves when they dance in the recital.  This week they will be getting their costumes for the recital.  We pretty much had a normal weekend, the kids played outside, got some yard work done and did our regular chores.  Holiday has a Winnie-the-Pooh garden wagon with play flowers and vegetables that apparently some slugs had their babies in.  They were tiny and green so Holiday called them, "Icky Pickles."  They probably were pretty icky.  Then Monday Johnny woke up with a fever and threw up.  I stayed home with him the last two days because of the fever.  The Tylenol at least kept bringing him back down to normal.  He went to daycare today, he's not 100% yet but the fever is gone as long you don't let him cry too long.  He's still full of snot so he's a little grumpy.  We were able to keep the kids' doctor's appointments because his fever was down then.  On his way to pick us up David had dropped his cell phone on the floor in the car, so he told Holiday that he was going to wait till he stopped to pick it up so he doesn't have an accident.  Holiday responded with telling him that's a good idea because he shouldn't 'peep' on the phone.  LOL So aside from the bug, both of them are doing great.  They're normally proportionate although our kids tend be a little on the bobble head side.  Holiday is on track with her potty training. Both of them are really smart too.  We went over all that with the doctor and she was impressed with Holiday's communication skills and Johnny's brute strength.  He was moving the furniture around in the exam room.  But he's beginning to understand that things have a place and he mimics motions more.  He's getting into shape sorter toys and likes to put toys away and the lids back on.  Then they got their shots, Johnny had 4 and Holiday had 3.  That was rough.  The ice cream seemed to make up for it though.  The doctor warned us that it might be a rough night with Johnny and it was.  I got zero sleep that night which is why instead of alternating sick days with David I stayed home two days in a row.  Whew!  I hope he gets better soon.  He sure is fighting it, he still wants to climb all over everything.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

Good Lord, I hope there are no more shots for a long while. Seems like a lot at one time.