Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Mother's Day and other stuff

So for Mother's Day we went out for sushi and it was fun.  We just packed lunches for the kids and they enjoyed watching the food roll by on the conveyor belt.  Then I got some movies and a handprint project that David helped the kids make for me.  It was a very good day.  Johnny seems to be catching on with the sippy cups of milk thing, which is great.  Previous to weaning beginning I did 3 pumpings a day while at work, so now I'm doing 2 a day.  I'll have to space them out so I don't get too heavy or it'll hurt.  Johnny has become a little climber of furniture lately.  He really likes climbing on Holly's upholstered chair, but then he'll fall down and be really unhappy.  Hopefully he figures out balance soon. He has figured out waving and peek-a-boo and does that a lot.  Johnny is cruising with more confidence but no real walking yet.  I think Holly was about 15-16 months when she did.  Holiday's dance class is gearing up for the end of the year dance recital so everybody's excited.  They still have about 6 weeks to go, so it's all about practice right now.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

i'm glad you had a good Mother's Day. I can just see John climbing and falling out of Holly's chair.
I can hardly wait to see pictures of Holiday's recital.