Monday, June 10, 2013

Pictures and Stuff

Johnny enjoying some cheerios.

My mother's day present.

The little happy fist bump.

Didja notice?  Johnny got a hair cut.  Daddy did a good job.

Johnny got up there by himself.

And he's really happy to be in on that sippy cup action.

Here's the new slide, they both love it.

Johnny has impressive climbing skills.


Some fun stuff.

Holiday really didn't want Johnny in her lap, but he just wanted to play with her so badly.


And here's the civilized little girl who eats as unmessily as possible at all costs.

Well it's busy in bursts lately.  Thursday Holiday's dance class did their formal portraits.  That was a madhouse, I'm just glad Holiday's class was scheduled first so we could get out of there.  Holy Moses!  Saturday Holiday had her last regular class of the season, this Saturday is the dress rehearsal on site which sounds like that's going to be quite a haul.  After her class we went to the Georgetown Carnival which is always fun for the whole family.  We watched some of the acrobatics that the local acrobatics school there in Georgetown was putting on and those kids were pretty good.  Throughout the carnival there's a lot of spectacle going on like stilt walkers, jugglers and clowns making balloon animals.  We always make sure to visit the vintage trailer park, where we bought some cool children's story art, and we visted the Sandbox.  That's the place that has indoor volleyball but opens the small court for little kids to play in.  The kids loved it and David and I played in there too.  Now there's sand all over the house but it was still fun.  We were all pretty tired after that.  But unfortunately I got a call yesterday that Grandma Claudia is in the hospital.  It's not known what the cause of her ailment is but we were at least able to go visit her and bring her some flowers.  Get well soon Grandma!

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

John has the cutest grin ever! How I wish I could be at Holiday's dance recital. I hope your mom gets well quickly.