Friday, July 12, 2013

Formal Pictures of the Kids

Holiday (4 years) John (1 year)

This is my birthday card from Holiday (she got some help from her daycare providers).

Here's Holiday in her ballet best...

...and her whole class.

Hot off the press...we picked up the ballet pictures last night.  Everyone has been doing good.  Holiday doesn't have daytime accidents anymore, just an occasional 'whoops, my dress dipped into the toilet' little happenings.  But that's more like a wardrobe malfunction than an accident.  She typically makes it through nap time no problem, and she's been doing better at nighttime.  We still get her up before we go to bed and have her go one more time just so her little bladder can make it through the night.  Then hopefully we can get her up in the morning before she needs to go.  That's been the tricky part, probably because she doesn't seem to want to leave her room on her own accord, she prefers an escort out.  We keep trying to tell her that if she needs to go potty it's okay for her to get up and go.  We might just need to keep getting up early on the weekends to prevent accidents until she gets that.  Johnny's been taking more steps on his own.  He likes taking us by the hand and leading us all over the house.  He could probably do it on his own (in his own drunken sailor fashion) he just doesn't believe he can do it close.  My milk seems to be winding down quite a bit so we'll see how long it takes to get John fully onto to cow's milk.  He's starting to dislike baby food and wants more real food and does really well at feeding himself with a spoon.  He still gets really messy but most of it goes where it supposed to.  I try to get him really full before he goes to bed so he sleeps through the night better.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

Beautiful pictures of the kids! I love them. Both Holly and Johnny seem to be doing really well.