Monday, July 29, 2013

Swim time pictures and the Highland Games

At the wading pool at Van Asselt in Seattle.

Holly did lots of running around.

And splashing.

Johnny liked Holly's hat.

He was well protected from the sun.

Johnny liked the wading pool too.

Little glamour shot.

Checking out the playground.

Little explorer baby.

Lots of fun.

In other news, we went to the Scottish Highland Games this weekend out in Enumclaw.  It's been a while since I've been out that way.  We passed my high school in Auburn and the grade school I went to 2nd-4th grade in Enumclaw on the way there.  We actually didn't see much of the games themselves because the stands were so crowded.  But we did see the parade of clans followed by the dogs.  Saw a little music and dancing, dog agility tests and BAGPIPES!  I had bagpipes in my head all day, even after we got home I just couldn't unhear them.  It was good weather and fairly sunny but we were prepared with sunscreen and hats.  I also had a stash of apple juice for the kids so no one would be getting dehydrated.  Johnny liked the kennel area because the dirt floor had such a fine quality of dirt that it would poof up in clouds when he did a little stomp dance.  Holiday seemed really interested in the harp playing.  Jet and David had themselves some Scottish brew while my Mom and I cruised the grounds with the kids, even got Holiday's face painted.  I got a Clan Anderson t-shirt that I'm pretty happy about (because it fits right).  I realize I married into the name Anderson but it's not like I don't have any Scottish in me.  My maternal grandmother's maiden name was MacSpadden but the MacSpaddens weren't the head of the clan, the MacClean's were.  I figure I sign my checks 'Anderson' and that justified wearing the T-shirt.  I'm pretty much a Euro-mutt with a dash of American Indian when we're talking heritage anyway, there's just specific pieces of my family history that I know about better than the other parts.

What else...oh yes...there's a particular little boy named Johnny that figured out how to shake his head 'no' if he doesn't want something.  He's also quite skilled at feeding himself with a spoon. He has further discovered that he likes the little weiners in the baby food section.  He's a 'meatasaruous'.  Liked bits of sausage and hamburger too.

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