Thursday, July 25, 2013

Summer colds...walking...teething...and spiders OH MY!

Johnny, Holiday and David got through some summer colds last week.  I was miraculously unscathed this time (vitamin D/zinc).  I did stay home with Johnny on Friday because he had a fever and he barfed all over me the night before.  He bounced back pretty quickly as we were able to attend a picnic with our daycare on Saturday at Carkeek park.  The kids really liked the playground, although Holiday was wary of the big tunnel in the shape of a fish.  It's formed like a slide and tube at the same time.  Holiday wouldn't go down it with me, said, "The fish is going to eat me."  Who wants to be eaten by a giant fish only to get pooped out the other end?  I guess not.  A week before that Johnny started really to walk on his own, about 2 months earlier than Holly did.  So now he walks more than he crawls.  He can get going fast if he's after something he wants like a snack, a particular toy or if he sees that someone forgot to close the kitchen baby gate.  He likes to hold on to my finger and walk me around the house, the back yard and the store.  He's tall enough for his age (and I'm short enough for mine) that neither one of us is straining so he walks around just fine.  He likes to take my cell phone and put it to his head like he's going to talk on it.  Does the same with computer mice, they kind of do look like cell phones.  Now he's teething something fierce right now running a low fever every day.  The Tylenol brings it back down but it wears off and it obviously hurts him he's crying so hard.  If anyone heard either of our kids cry as babies you'll know that's hard to pretend it's not happening.  Both upper molars are cut and growing in as is one of the lower molars.  The other lower molar and both upper canines are majorly budding and will pop any day.  I'd imagine the lower canines are not far off.  So basically he's getting another 8 teeth all at once, no wonder he's screaming.  Holiday is just talking our ears off these days.  It's not just all the questions but she's compelled to interject in any conversation that David and I have, usually something completely unrelated.  Especially when we're in the car.  She'll start Pre-K in September and my goodness, if there ever was a kid ready to start school, it's Holiday.  She's been enjoying reading books from the library so much that she scored a free book of her choice.  She absolutely insisted, and I swear to God I had nothing to do with this, she chose a kids national geographic on spiders.  David couldn't convince to pick something else.  It's really funny since when I was 4 years old I started an obsession with spiders, that was when I saw my dad's buddy's tarantula and it made a really huge impact on me.  I drew spiders with a hundred legs on them (they had smiley faces too).  Now Holiday is reading that spider book every day and the girl is so afraid of spiders, bugs and bees.  She screams if anything comes near.  But she loves that spider book...go figure.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

Wow, changes are a-happening! Love those kids so much.