Thursday, August 1, 2013

Mommy's Diastasis Recti

Well it's August 1st, that's when I started tracking my measurements last year.  At the height of my pregnancy I was 230 lbs...9 lbs 3.2 oz of that was Johnny.  On Aug. 1st of last year I was:
200.2 lbs
chest: 42"
waist: 45"
hips: 48"

Today I weigh 182.6 lbs
chest: 38"
waist: 39"
hips: 44"

So I have made some progress in a year it's just rather slow going.  When I went to my doctor last it was discovered that I have diastasis recti which is why I have a major pooch on my stomach.  I'm doing specific exercises to retrain my ab muscles and wearing support for when I do exercise at least.  It really hurts my hips if I wear it too long.  I guess doing crunches, planks or anything that puts any kind of strain on that area will make it worse.  Even walking can make it worse which is why I wear the support.  It's a common condition for women that have c-sections and/or big babies and multiple pregnancies and I had all those.  I'm also short so that probably didn't help me either, having a big baby in a short body.  But now I have more information to move forward with and hopefully I'll start seeing some results in that department.  I found some pretty good websites with success stories too.  My major hurdle is time to work out.  The time I have is after the kids go to bed and all the chores are done.  By then I don't have much energy left.  I'm certainly not a morning person either so getting up early is super tough.  So I guess it's a matter of will power vs. sleep deprivation.  Hmmm...I think I just need to work on some kind of balance.

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

Jenny, you've made progress. I never heard of that condition, though I have it myself, but my doctor said I should wear a girdle after birth. Man, I just couldn't. Keep it up.