Thursday, September 5, 2013

Bumbershoot, Pax and Holiday's first day of school

It's been busy so I haven't posted for a while.  Last week the daycare was closed for vacation so Ellie and Anna babysat the kids for us.  They did a great job.  The kids were exhausted they played so hard.  Johnny falls asleep in the car regularly but if Holly does it, that's for sure tired right there.  On Sunday we went to Bumbershoot and we had a great time.  The kids especially liked the kids area (naturally).  David and I got to do grown up stuff too, like check out the art, flatstock, vendors and live music.  That's pretty good.  Johnny hated being inside Key Arena so that's when I took him strolling through the vendors instead, he was much happier.  After David and Holiday left that particular show they came looking for Johnny and I and that's when a Seattle Times photographer took this picture:

If you know Seattle Center, we were obviously by the fountain.  On Monday, David went to Pax and I stayed home with the kids.  David got play a little in a Ticket to Ride tournament and do a lot of demos and even picked up a couple games.  I guess he was so excited that he forgot to note where he parked in the Convention Center Garage.  Let's just say he got his exercise that day.  Tuesday all the daycares were closed still so I stayed home with the kids and did a bunch of catching up on chores because the weekend was so busy.  Tuesday night was the orientation for Holly's Pre-K class where we got to meet teachers, ask questions and get a good look at Holly's classroom and where her cubby is, where to put her lunch bag and all that.  Holly and Johnny just wanted to play outside the whole time.  We were the first family there and the last family to leave the kids liked it there so much.  They were really upset when it was time to leave and get dinner.  So Wednesday was Holly's first day of school.  I'm the last one to get picked up and Holly was already out like a light by then.  So I had to wait till we got home and she woke up enough to tell me about her day.  She mentioned art, writing her name on a small rectangle, having her lunch, NOT getting her nap, liking her teacher and her friends, but most of all...playing outside.  Holiday also refers to it as the Big School.  She has really been into artsy stuff lately, check out her latest work:

 She says it's her and her baby going up a slide.  Next to the slide is a park bench.and a stone path.  She's quite creative.  She did color a lot with Anna but her drawings didn't look like this.  Holly made this picture at Playland at the Fred Meyer on Saturday so it was like a switch flipped and this is what she wanted to draw.  Before it mostly was scribbles and you had to pretend it was what she said it was.  Now we see the picture and get the grass and the sun and the sky as well as the slide, bench and stone path.  A-MAZ-ING!

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