Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Little chatterbox

Johnny does have a few words now.  Holiday could talk more at that age, but then they said girls generally learn words more quickly than boys do.  Makes sense, girls really do know how to talk a lot, don't they?  But Johnny is hardly quiet, he makes all kinds of noise.

Some of Johnny's latest words are:
Holiday (it's hard to hear but it's there)
Kittie or Kittiecat
Thank you

He has other ways of communicating as well.  He can shake his head 'yes' and 'no' and I should say that he shakes his head in response to a question not just to shake his head, kids do that sometimes.  He also points at things so it's a little easier to figure out what he wants or that he's simply noticing at time.  Also, he has great comprehension.  You can ask him to pick something up and he'll do it.  I'll ask him to go find Dada or Holiday and he is on the case.  He really likes pretending to talk on the phone.  Typically when Johnny makes a call it's either Dada or Grandma. :)

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