Monday, October 7, 2013

Pumpkin Patch

After Holiday's dance class on Saturday we went to Maris Farms.  Grandma Claudia and Grandpa Jet were there too.  I think Holiday's favorite part was either riding the cow train or the hay ride.  Johnny's favorite part was getting goat kisses.  We were feeding the goats and they just kept nibbling when the food was gone, Johnny was laughing pretty hard.  My glasses fell out of my pocket while we were there (I was wearing my prescription sunglasses at the time since it was so sunny), but they were found and I managed to get them back.  I think my favorite part was doing the corn maze, we haven't been able to do that for a while.  David did manage to get the lawn done this weekend too along with all our other errands and chores.  We don't have anything huge planned for this month so maybe we'll be able to catch up with all the other yard stuff.  Surveying all the toys the kids have collected I'm really starting to think I need to sort them out soon.  I bet there's some that the kids have aged out on and we could donate.  There's probably stuff that's no longer functional too and should just be thrown out altogether.  It's probably a good time for a purge before the holidays arrive.

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