Friday, October 4, 2013

Quiet week

There isn't much exciting to report this week.  Especially since it has rained so much lately we haven't had any outings much less spent any time in the yard.  This weekend is looking like it might by dry so hopefully we can get some fresh air.  I know our yard still needs to be winterized and we haven't had a chance to start on that since we were so busy in September.  The lawn needs the final mow of the year, some of the bushes need trimming, lots of weeds to pull, the greenhouse needs to be cleaned out and the gutters desperately need to be cleaned.  The gutters are so full of sloppy wet decomposing leaves that the birds are rooting around in them looking for food (probably worms in there too) so there's big chunks of it being flung out.  And that's by the basement door entrance so hopefully no one happens to be there when the birds decide to have lunch.  We might even make it out to the pumpkin patch so hopefully the weather holds out for us.

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