Monday, June 16, 2014

More Pictures!

This was Mother's Day brunch at Grandma's house.

Daddy made brunch at home and we brought it to Grandma's house.


We went to Kubota Gardens after brunch.

More Kubota, on a little island.

Waiting up in the rocks for Daddy.

This was Johnny's birthday party.

It had a Minion theme.

These were the cupcakes I made.  Thank you Pinterest.

Opening presents with Uncle Drew. 

Johnny was getting sleepy since he didn't want to take a nap that day...

...but he perked right up after getting some cool stuff. 

Johnny likes his new monster feet.

It's just too hilarious.

We went to the Carnival at Holiday's elementary school on Friday and it was fun.  They had food trucks and lots of games and activities for the kids.  Holiday's dance class was much like last week, but it's the last one of the year.  After class we went to the Georgetown Carnival and that was great too.  We got there early so Holiday got her face painted right away and we hit the food trucks pretty early.  That was nice since both of those usually have long lines.  We checked out the wares, power tool races, and music a little.  The performance art is a pretty big draw.  We let the kids play at the Sand Lot again.  Yesterday we took Daddy to Father's Day brunch at Ivar's Salmon House.  I gave him a Seahawks jersey and he really likes it.  It's something he's always wanted but probably would have never bought for himself.  This week will probably be a lot of preparing for the dance rehearsal on Friday and the recital on Saturday.  Woo-hoo!

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