Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Beach and Pumpkin Patch Pictures


At the beach. 

Johnny digging in the hole

Come on in Holiday. 

There we go.

Time for beverages. 

At Maris Farms this month.

There goes Johnny. 

Next comes Mommy.

In the corn room.

Those pants are black.  Apparently dried corn is extremely dusty.  I beat her socks against a fence for a few minutes when she was done in there.  Gotta love the 'corn angel' though.

Johnny wasn't too sure about this at first and then warmed up to it once Holiday started playing.

She liked jumping off the side and landing in it with maximum dress flaring.

Grandma and Johnny with a big bag of kettle corn.

Johnny rode the ride which was great

Kids doing the fishing thing.  Adyen caught his but Holiday had no such luck with about 6 close calls.

Johnny riding a pony.

And doing it well.

That jump pillow was scary.

All the kids liked it though.

I just let Johnny jump his hardest. 

Johnny just lied down and rode the wave.  I wasn't jumping at all and I caught a lot of air from all the kids jumping around me.

The fish thing was pretty cool.

It's a new feature they have this year.

Johnny really liked that bag of kettle corn.

The kids at the restaurant for dinner afterwards.

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