Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Continuing on our photo journey


Us at Woodland Park Zoo.

Johnny's not down there by himself.  You can see Holiday's knees.

Extremely photogenic kids. 

This was during the thunderstorm and the animals just went buck wild.

The zebras were especially frisky.

Holiday was fascinated by the kimono dragons.

Johnny was initially interested then he ran away screaming from this statue. 

Tell us all about it Holiday.

Holiday getting a hug from the baby elephant statue.


By the otter exhibit. 

At Bumbershoot.  David and Johnny inching closer to the water.  Holiday in the foreground hanging out with Anna and Anna's friend.

Same shot but including my feet.

Right before the Kindergarten potluck.


Dressed up for school.

BBQ at Grandma and Grandpa's house.

He's just a little too short for the tricycle but he sure had fun trying.

Holiday and her cousin Ayden playing with the little tire swing.

Grandma thought the kids would like to play with the empty boxes.  I suppose if you're going to toss them anyway it makes sense to get full use out of them. Right?

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