Thursday, December 4, 2014

Another one bites the dust

So...Holiday lost another tooth last night.  It was kind of funny.  She had been softly calling for her daddy right after he put her to bed.  So I checked on her instead because I was in the kitchen doing dishes anyway.  She said she pulled out her tooth.  It's been wiggly for a while and been bothering her.  I turned on the lights for a closer look and sure enough it was out.  She also had blood streaks all over her face and hands.  So I told her she should get up and tell her daddy (while I got some wipes to clean her up).  I had her wash her hands because she was so coated.  It wasn't like she was massively bleeding.  It's just when she gets ANYTHING on herself her reaction is to use her hands to try to wipe it off or wipe her hands together to try to get it off.  It usually makes whatever it is way worse.  Oddly enough she didn't get anything on her bedding, so she promptly went back to bed and fell asleep quickly so the tooth fairy would come.  And the tooth fairy did leave her a couple of dollar coins.

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