Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Merry Christmas from the Anderson Family

These are pictures resulting from our day at the Washington State Arboretum.  Several of these are on our Christmas card this year which everyone will be getting soon if not already.

I was really happy with how the pictures turned out.  David always does such a good job with photography.  In other news, we've moved Johnny to a toddler bed this weekend.  He loves it.  We already got rid of the mini-crib along with the matching mattress and bedding.  That stuff was hard to find so I felt it was best to keep it together.  Now Johnny's excited about nap time.  The baby gate is down too.  Depending on how Johnny does we could very well be done with that too.  It's certainly nice not to trip on that anymore.  Vader seems to be staying out of there which helps.  We still have the baby gate up in the kitchen which only keeps Johnny out.  We might need that a little while longer because he doesn't quite understand the dangers of kitchens yet.  Perhaps after he's used to the new bed we can start him on the next challenge...potty training...(dramatic music).


Keri Hills said...

AWESOME family pictures guys!

gramlinda said...

Holiday is so beautiful and Johnny so cute! The "old" folks are cool too.