Monday, December 1, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving

Last week was pretty busy for several reasons.  David and I had our first parent/teacher conference for Holiday.  Mrs. Carr said Holiday was pretty solid academically coming in.  She knew all her upper case letters and most of the lower case letters, knew all the sounds and her numbers.  The biggest challenge with Holiday is keeping her interested.  She'll get bored with what's going on so she'll just start doing her own thing.  That's something we already knew.  So it's about getting her in the swing of forming good habits and knowing when it's time to focus on the task at hand.  She's outgrowing her 5T stuff so now I need to figure out her size in regular 'girls' clothing because that's the last of the 'T' sizes.  Her clothes still fit it's just the dresses are more like long shirts. Johnny's taller too but I had to hem all his clothes initially so they still fit, I can drop the hem if I need to.

David made most of Thanksgiving dinner.  I made a pumpkin pie from scratch, including crust.  It's been years since I've done that.  I had forgotten how long it takes to bake.  Usually people always have a pumpkin pie whomever hosts which is probably why I haven't done it in a while.  It's not my strong suit either so I still need to make some tweaks.  Like the directions said to "lightly flour and roll out dough" which I did.  Next time I'll make more dough and flour the heck out of it.  I had to use a spatula to get it off the board and onto the pie plate.  It looked better than it normally does and was pretty tasty.  David, of course, did a phenomenal job on everything else.  I helped with stuff like gathering dishes and all the stuff we needed to take everything, transport it to Grandma Linda's house and have dinner there.  Then we got everything back and cleaned up.  LOL I had to approach the dishes like I do loads.  While I did that David cleaned the gutters and put up the Christmas lights.  We had put up the tree and everything else the weekend before so we are in full on Christmas mode now.

Friday was spent doing errands.  Holiday and I made cupcakes for Grandma Claudia's surprise birthday party.  The party was on Saturday.  We almost got everyone to make it.  It was a big success in spite of that, everyone had a good time.  Mom figured it out on the way in.  One of her friends has a distinctive bumper sticker so that gave it away.  Everyone had pitched in and brought food, everything was delicious.  My cupcakes turned out pretty and delicious.  I know that because not only did Holiday eat the frosting first (like she always does) she ate the cupcake itself as well.  LOL  After most of the guests left David broke out the party games.  We played two rounds of Animal upon Animal with all the kids. One round of Dixit which we hadn't played before and we really liked a lot.  Then two rounds of Wits and Wagers which is always a raging good time.

Now it's December and there's lots of stuff going on.  Busy, busy.

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