Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Pictures and Potty News!

Johnny's bath time.

This was when we put up the tree this year.

Johnny likes boxes.

Holiday was pretty helpful with decorating the tree.

Snuggle time!

Her two bottom adult teeth are growing in.

All of us in Christmas pajamas from Grandma Linda.

I get out of the shower and find this elaborate set up by Daddy and Johnny.

Snack time in the 'tent'.

Silly Johnny.

Too cute.

Daddy's silly too.  Holiday just likes to pose for the camera.

This was after his haircut a few weeks ago.

He looks so grown up now.

As for new updates...Johnny went potty for the first time in the big toilet last night.  He's sat on it a bunch of times but nothing has happened.  Holiday has a wiggly upper front tooth.  Daddy mowed the lawn last Saturday.  February people...February.  Usually the first mow happens in April.  This winter has been crazy mild.  I'm hoping to replace the greenhouse when we can find one in stock.  Our front yard is looking pretty decent right now with all the weeding, new bark, mowing and rose trimming done.  Now all that has to happen to the back yard.  I think a lot of stuff needs to be cleaned off too.  Moss is growing EVERYWHERE!

1 comment:

gramlinda said...

Hooray for potties and teeth!