Sunday, April 19, 2009

The Andersons have returned home

So, here's the story:

I started having contractions the afternoon of the 15th, I didn't realize what they were right away. By the time David came by to pick me up from work I was really happy to be going home. About 6pm I started believing I was having contractions, so then I kept track, they were about a minute long, 4 times an hour at that time. I took a little nap that evening to wake up to everything going faster. From 10:30 to midnight, they were coming at 12 times an hour 1-2 minutes long so we went in to the hospital. By 2am the contractions were painful enough that it would be silly to send me home then, especially since that was when I first requested pain medication. After that I'm not exactly sure 'when' a lot of stuff happened. David might not either, he didn't get to sleep at all that night. But shortly after that I wanted the epidural, which only worked on my left side so they did another one that had worn off quickly so I'm not exactly sure how long natural labor lasted. By the time the third epidural was called for my OB doctor was there along with our nurse (who was awesome, kept making David take a nap or eat something) to help me with the epidural process, which is painful in itself, at least to me it is. David could tell it was bad, and he only saw it from the front. At some point in the afternoon I had a fever going of 102 degrees and it was determined that I had an infection in my uterus, so they immediately started me on antibiotics for it. By this time I was feeling a little better but my contractions started slowing down so then they gave me plutosin to try to drive things again. I was stuck at 6cm for 6 hours with an infection in my uterus, so in the early evening hours, the call was made for a c-section. They used the successful epidural for it, so I didn't need a spinal done. David was in charge of the puke pans during the surgery, I only threw up once. But the medical staff was amazed at how much ice chips I could throw up (since I was denied water during epidurals which is absolutely hateful). When you're thirsty enough you tolerate ice quite easily...I  digress. I didn't feel any sharp stuff, but I felt the pulling and pushing and it did so hurt. I was kept being told all day that pressure isn't pain, I strongly disagree. But they pulled Holly out of the womb and apparently she was looking right at them, another reason for it hurt more, she was looking the wrong way. The first thing I noticed about Holly was how much dark hair she had. She also recognized David's voice and mine. She stopped crying and looked up at us when we were talking to her. She's way cute. The removal of the placenta sucked but in hindsight that whole day felt like a whirlwind. We got out of surgery back into the regular room. We watched Holly get her first bath, I got cleaned up and got more pain killers. Everyone thought David was a genious for bringing a sleeping bag to the hospital. We got packed up and moved into a recovery room for three days. They had Holly on antibiotics too just to make sure she didn't catch my infection. So we've been waited on 24 hours a day and generally we're really happy with the care we got at Swedish. The doctors, nurses and specifically the lactation nurses were extremely helpful in helping us recover and take care of our little Holiday. On the first day I wasn't so sure I'd be able to leave the hospital by Sunday. I couldn't get out of bed, use the toilet, or take a shower by myself. But the staff made it a point that I'd feel up for it by the time Sunday came along. I do feel much better today. I'm still working on being able to wear shoes, my feet are super swollen still. But it's all worth it.


gramlinda said...

Good job, Jenny and David. Holly is so beautiful!

Jennifer J. said...

Jenny and David,
Kyle and I cannot get over just how beautiful Holiday is. She is one of the cutest babies we have ever seen. You guys make very cute kids, a sign of a great match. Thanks for letting me hold her, and whenever you need a sitter, just let us know. Enjoy the quiet times, and the loud ones. Laughing through the sleep deprivation makes it seem fun :-)!
You guys are already doing a great job. Take care of yourselves as well as you take care of Holiday, and you will all be fine.